About Pi

Pi Investments supports the transition from an extractive economy
to one that is sustainable, generative and just.

Over the past few decades, the impact investment sector has blossomed, making it much easier for asset owners to consider both financial return and social impact in their investment decisions.

We applaud this growth, and as Pi Investments work to inspire the investment community to deepen its potential for transformative impact through the strategic placement of catalytic capital, and a 100% for impact approach across asset classes.  

Our work began in response to an economy that has traditionally prioritized shareholders over community welfare, while significantly limiting ownership opportunities in society. This leads to predatory business practices and wealth extraction in low-income communities, and short-term thinking that is not suitable for a finite planet.

Pi supports investments in vehicles that promote a generative, inclusive economy by:

  • Making sure to add more value than is extracted from both people and the planet

  • Focusing on fulfilling human needs rather than creating new ones through ethical production,
    and ideally reducing overall resource consumption

  • Incorporating communities in design, governance and ownership of enterprises,
    and enabling their collective activity through advocacy and engagement

  • Balancing risk and return to investors, entrepreneurs and communities

  • Exploring investment structures that encourage companies to maintain and deepen their mission focus as they grow

Pi seeks to align with co-investors, intermediaries, entrepreneurs and community leaders that share this vision. Please feel free to contact us.