
Pi Investments takes a very intentional approach to impact.
We seek to identify and support necessary innovation and infrastructure to transition
the global economy to one that is sustainable, generative and just.

We do this by supporting management teams with an equally strong commitment to deep impact as well as financial discipline and execution.

In developing our impact criteria, we engage with a wide variety of actors, from social and environmental leaders and community organizations, to leading investors, academics and public thinkers. We then develop an approach to each asset class that reflects our discovery of how investments can be most useful, within the confines of the rapidly evolving impact investment space.

In general, we are neutral regarding sector and geography; caring much more about how projects are executed. We are members of the Transform Finance Investor Network, and in general try to invoke the Transform Finance Principles in our work. This means we make our best efforts to:

  • Include communities in the design, governance and ownership of enterprises

  • Add more value than we extract

  • Fairly balance risk and return between investors, entrepreneurs and communities


We take a 100% approach to impact investment, and hence support impact investments in all asset classes. Click in for more information on our direct investment criteria and across asset classes.